Monster Capture Game of the Week #1: The Digimon Story Franchise

When people hear “Digimon” the first thing people think is that it’s a rip off of “Pokemon” a very successful franchise. Digimon may have some similarities with Pokemon with it focusing on Monster capturing however it’s first game “Digimon World” which was released in January 28, 1999 was not a turn based RPG but was a game far more similar to the VPets the Digimon franchise originated from. This was a very unique game however the game franchise we will be specifically talking about are the Digimon Story games. The Digimon Story games are Digimon games which are turn based RPG’s with a monster capture capture mechanic however the mechanic used to get new Digimon was very unique. The Reason why we will talk about the Digimon Story games will be due ti their recent popularity with the recent Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Games which were released on March 12, 2015. That specific game caused Digimon to re emerge in the west and allow many Digimon fans to come back, including me. I will specifically talk about these games due to my experience with them and how they were my introduction to the Digimon series.The first ever Digimon Story game was Digimon Story DS or better known as Digimon World DS in the US which was released on June 15, 2006.  Digimon Story was a very unique game due to the way you could acquire new Digimon was not by capturing  them like in Pokemon or even by negotiating but instead you scanned Digimon, depending on how rare the Digimon is the Scan rate would lower than common Digimon Found in the game. This was very interesting seeing how this was a different way to approach the Monster capture RPG genre. There were however some flaws in the first Digimon Story game, one of these flaws was how you couldn’t degenerate your Digmon which was a term for transforming a Digmon to it’s previous form until you reached a certain rank in the game. This made it hard for some players to get certain Digimon even though there were many Digimon which could be accessed. There was another flaw which was you could only have control over only a certain level of Digimon. Something unique about Digimon were the levels, they went from in-Training to Rookie to Champion to Ultimate and finally Mega.  There are certain Digimon that could get a form that exceeds Mega level however that only applies to a few Digimon, such as Agumon and Gabumon being able to achieve the king of Royal Knights Omegamon which exceeds the Mega level. Digimon story made it hard to have some cool looking Digimon due to the level restriction however this was fixed in the next two games in the Digimon Story Series Digimon Story Dusk and Dawn. 

Digimon Story Dusk and Dawn or known as Digimon World Dusk and Dawn in the west were released on March 29, 2007. These games introduced even more interesting changes that made the Digimon Story games even more interesting. These games were very similar to the Pokemon franchise with two separate versions being sold with various differences with the type of Digimon that could be encountered. These games also introduced the mechanic where when you degenerated a Digimon it would go back to lv 1 allowing the player to raise their Digimon to become even stronger and allows the player to be careful of when digivolving or when degenerating Digimon. Another interesting change was the importance in Type EXP, when you defeat a Digimon you gained the usual EXP like any RPG however depending on the type of Digimon you defeat such as Dragon, Plant, Machine or even Aqua your Digimon would gain EXP of that certain type and depending on the Digimon it can Digivolve or Degenerate to certain Digimon that required mass amounts of that specific EXP. This however made the game a bit grinds with some of the values going to around 16000 EXP for certain Digimon. This  however was changed in the newest Game Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth however there was one Digimon Story game released only in Japan however that Game will be given it’s own page due to something that made me extremely interested into it. Digimon Story Dawn and Dusk also removed the restriction on what level of Digimon you could have, some would look at it as making the game unbalanced however Digimon Dawn and Dusk is known for making the player grind repeatedly and have some challenging boss battles due to the level curve depending how dedicated you are towards the game. Overall this Game changed many problems from the first game but introduced some new problems however the newest game in the franchise Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hackers Memory is where the Digimon Franchise began to rise up from almost 9 years of no new Digimon games.

The Final Digimon Game to be talked about is Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: hackers memory. These two games changed something in the Digimon Story games which was the fact that the previous Digimon Story Games were all 2d and utilized pixel art sprites for the Digimon and their animations when battling and walking alongside their tamer. In Digimon Cyber Sleuth, all Digimon and character models are now 3D and allow the player to see their Digimon walking behind them as they travel the Digital World. This game was something very interesting due to the fact they took away the whole Type EXP mechanic which helped reduce the amount of Grinding the player had to do. It still kept the DigiFram a mechanic I will go into more detail in the next blog post about Digimon Story Lost Evolution however Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth  kept the Scanning mechanic and the overall unique aspect of the Digimon games being their battle system and overall DigiFarm mechanic. Overall there are various flaws in the Digimon Story games just like any other game however it is an interesting part of a franchise which displays how the Monster Capture Genre can give some interesting games which have unique game mechanics which make it different from other Monster Capture Games.

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